Welcome to Swoboda Group

Empowering Economic Stability and Freedom

Economies globally are at a critical conjuncture, facing escalating uncertainty, geopolitical tensions and unprecedented challenges that have underscored the need for an urgent reevaluation of fiscal policies and priorities. Recognising this imperative, Swoboda Group was established to facilitate pragmatic policy development conducive to stable and prosperous economies.

“We hold our heads high, despite the price we have paid, because freedom is priceless.”

Lech Walesa


Mission Statement

At the core of Swoboda Group’s mission is the advancement of comprehensive economic research aimed at crafting policy solutions that anticipate and navigate the complexities of modern economies. We are committed to synthesising empirical data and theoretical insights to foster policies that enhance economic stability, growth and freedom.

Philosophical Framework

Swoboda Group’s philosophical foundation is rooted in a pragmatic attitude to economic issues. We believe that sound economic policy stems from a meticulous understanding of economic dynamics coupled with a responsive approach to global and local economic signals.

Founding Vision

Established in response to the evolving economic landscape marked by rapid technological change and shifting geopolitical influences, Swoboda Group aims to be at the forefront of policy innovation. Our establishment is a clarion call to rethink traditional economic paradigms and to champion policies that are adaptable and effective.

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